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Tempoh pinjaman (hari): 21

Ternary and Quaternary Blended Alkali-Activated Binder: Engineering Properties and Performance

oleh Cheah Chee Ban

Penerbit - 2021

Kategori - Kejuruteraan & IT

Ternary and Quaternary Blended Alkali-Activated Binder


Ternary and Quaternary Blended Alkali-Activated Binder: Engineering Properties and Performance consolidates the findings in the process of the development of new classes of blended alkali-activated binder system by the author. It covers extensively on mechanical and durability properties of the ternary and quaternary blended alkali-activated material. Some of the key advantages of this book are the detailed elaborations on the following aspects:


· Material design and formulation of the ternary and quaternary blended alkali-activated binder system

· Fabrication process to produce the materials

· Key engineering properties and behaviour of the materials

· Fundamental concepts in the design and fabrication of the materials

· Approach for reduction of the embodied carbon emission of alkali-activated binders through the synergistic activation method




Cheah Chee Ban is a prominent researcher and author in the field of sustainable concrete materials and technology. He found that it is possible to produce new binder for the construction industry to replace the role of cement. This green binder material is produced from industrial by-products in the iron making and electrical power sectors that commonly face disposal problem. Therefore, the production of the binder material allows an alternative pathway for the recycling of waste materials. The technology being developed eliminates the need to extract limestones for the use as raw material in the concrete production; and therefore preserves the natural limestone hills. Currently, a total of six national patents and one international patent of his research have been filed and one national patent has been granted for the green concrete technology. Besides this, he has published over 49 research articles on the subject matter in the international scientific databases such as Scopus and ScienceDirect.


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