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Tempoh pinjaman (hari): 21

Anatomy of Teeth

oleh Aspalilah Alias et al.

Penerbit - Penerbit USIM

Kategori - Sains

The understanding of teeth anatomy is essential for the dental work forces in order to deal with patients. Preclinical year dental students will learn theoretical information of tooth morphology and apply the understanding in their clinical years. Besides the lectures, tutorials, seminars and problem-based learning (PBL) sessions, the learning activity of tooth morphology includes practical sessions (tooth carving and tooth drawing) in the preclinical year and conservative classes in the clinical years. The practical sessions help the student to identify tooth features, which is helpful in conservative work.

This valuable book consist of six chapters covering tooth anatomy, including the carving technique, the drawing workbook and the clinical applications for conservative work in the clinical setting. This book is suitable for both preclinical and clinical year especially during practical sessions with aid of lectures. We hope that this book will make the learning tooth morphology fun and interactive.

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