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Lata Jarum : Biodiversity Richness & Inconceivable Environments

by Tukimat Lihan, Haja Maideen Kader Maideen & Siti Norhafzah Ahmad Tardmizi.

Publisher - Penerbit UKM

Category - General Academics

This book is a pioneering research project on the physical environment and biodiversity of this unique lowland forest which is home to the largest fower in the world, the Raffesia. The results cover three major disciplines which include the physical environment, the foras, and the fauna. The physical environment section covers biomimetics, nutrients in the soil, water quality and the hydrology of the forest while the biodiversity section explores the fora and fauna in the area. A checklist of the lower plants comprising mosses and ferns is presented. For the higher plants, notable gingers and their antibacterial activities were noted together with the species composition, diversity and above-ground biomass. The section on the faunae covered only the diversity of insects found.


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