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Tempoh pinjaman (hari): 21
oleh Saeed Abioye Bello, Mardina Abdullah & Shazana Abdul Hamid.
Penerbit - Penerbit UKM
Kategori - Sains
This book describes an overview of Earth’s ionospheric physics by focusing on the profile parameters of F-layer and their relations with the equatorial current flowing along equator of the E-layer. The ionospheric bottomside profile parameters are described by the maximum height of F2-layer (hmF2), the maximum electron density of F2-layer (NmF2), bottom side thickness parameter of F2-layer (B0) and the shape parameter (B1). The widely used model in predicting these profile parameters is the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) model which sometimes deviates from the measured data. The contribution of the ionospheric equatorial electrojet current (EEJ) to the variation of these parameters requires an accurate prediction for spacebased navigation and communication systems. This book centres on three focal topics based on a regional or site-specific datasets measurements from equipment installed in South America, West Africa and South-East Asian regions. There are three focus of this book. First is the characteristics of the ionospheric profile parameters and EEJ. Second is the physical relationships between the profile parameters and EEJ. Lastly is the evaluation of developed regional ionospheric model and the IRI model. This book is suitable for undergraduate and new postgraduate students who are working or studying ionospheric physics focusing on the equatorial region.
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