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Violations of International Humanitarian and Human Rights Law during the Armed Confict of Libya

by Hamed Hashemi Sougheh, Rohaida Nordin.

Publisher - Penerbit UKM

Category - General Academics

Considering the ever growing importance of social media and increasing access to the news and information, demands for application of the right to self-determination is increasing day by day. The social movements for attaining political, cultural and economic independence may lead to the formation of new States. Transition of power and nation building are challenging steps towards formation of a new State. It seems that lots of transitions may occur at a near future and many transitional governments (TGs) will come to power. In other words, easy access to Internet, social media and fow of the information have opened up opportunities for the formation of TGs. The common composition of TGs is the same as full scale governments. T

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