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OPTICAL SCRIPT READER: Binary Texture Innovation

by Bilal Mohammad Bataineh, Siti Norul Huda Sheikh Abdullah, Khairuddin Omar

Publisher - Penerbit UKM

Category - General Academics

This book highlights the importance of document image analysis and recognition (DIAR) and its techniques to extract information from document images. In line with that, the state-of-the-art describes DIAR applications with emphasis on Optical Font Recognition (OFR) or Optical Script Reader. In addition, this book presents techniques for pre-processing and feature extraction techniques of DIAR, with focus on binary image and texture analysis techniques. Therefore, in this book, three points are highlighted; first is a proposed adaptive binarization method for pre-processing, second is a proposed statistical texture analysis technique via binary images for feature extraction, and third is a developed OFR framework for Arabic calligraphy (OFR-AC).

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