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Tempoh pinjaman (hari): 21
Penerbit - Kumarnagalingam
Kategori - Motivasi
We search for a lot of our answers from our surrounding and in our circumstances. We go about our lives quite satisfied that we have found them and that it has helped us to solve some of our problems. But has it really? Do these problems recur, over and over again? We seem to remain for all intends and purposes in a perpetual crisis. A simple conversation can lead to arguments, great relationships may breakdown, good friends becoming enemies and these have happened to all of us. The question we need to ask is – where is the source of this turmoil? We have been pointing our fingers outward for far too long and it’s time to look within us and begin to closely listen to the most subtle of conversations that happens throughout our lives and maybe, just maybe realize that, that could be the source of all our conflicts and misery. This book may help you to understand that dialogue within each one of us little better.
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