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Discovering Advanced Statistics Using SPSS for Windows

by Wan Muhamad Amir W Ahmad, Mohd Fadhli Khamis, Adam Husein


Category - General Academics

Advanced statistics using SPSS for Windows is becoming very popular nowadays, especially among researchers. Discovering the method and techniques will enhance the basic concept and techniques among undergraduate and postgraduate students, researchers, and lecturers. The procedures within this book indirectly assist researchers in obtaining high quality research output. This book also emphasizes on the advanced statistical analysis step-by-step, so that readers can easily follow the procedure and minimize mistakes when conducting the analysis. All procedures have been summarized in the form of screenshots with a step-by-step guide to ensure that all readers can easily understand the process and the right procedure. This special book presents topics on ANOVA, ANCOVA, MANOVA, MANCOVA, repeated measure ANOVA, two way repeated measure ANOVA, repeated measure ANCOVA, linear mixed model, discriminant analysis, cluster analysis, factor analysis, multiple response analysis, multinomial regression, and ordinal regression. In conclusion, this book is suitable as a reference in advanced analysis. Throughout these advanced techniques, we hope that the research agenda will be more fruitful and achieve high standard quality.

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