Category : Available Titles

of 31 pages

Sociolinguistic for University Postgraduate Studies: Approach

by Asem Shehadeh Saleh Ali

Applied linguistics, in its fields, is one of the important topics related to language. The research generally aims to identify the fields of sociolinguistics and topics that it deals with in society. ...

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Solar Adventurers Series 03 - The Missing Empire (Angkor Wat)

by Chan Shing Cheng

Cambodia was glorious and prosperous during the Angkorian period because of its fast development at that time. The warlike Siamese army attacked the Angkor kingdom. When the Siamese army arrived at th ...

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Speak Your Way To The Top

by Phang Wai Kheong, Peter Chin

Business presentations are different from other types of presentations because unlike the others, business presentations will need to call for action at the end of the presentation.  The end resu ...

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Spirit Realm Enigma

by Ross Rozani

Spirit Realm is just like a fantasy world as they are invisible to the eyes and impossible to prove their existence. The only guide we have is from religious scriptures and the acceptance is very much ...

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STEM at Home

by Xentral Methods

Buku interaktif STEM at Home ini membolehkan murid-murid untuk menjalankan eksperimen ringkas di rumah menggunakan bahan-bahan terpakai yang mudah didapati dan murah. Contohnya murid-murid boleh mengg ...

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Step-By Step Solat Lelaki & Perempuan

by Fauzi Abdul Hamid

Buku ini memberikan panduan dan tip bagaimana mendirikan solat secara teratur dan sempurna. Penyampaian yang mudah dan jelas beserta foto dan ilustrasi yang menarik. Menjelaskan juga tentang teori dan ...

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by Rumi al-Ghazali

On the way to his first fishing trip in the South China Sea with his grandfather (Tokki), Soki succumbed to seasickness. They both agreed that the boy should wait at Kapas Island while Tokki continued ...

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Strategic Components in Small and Medium Enterprises

by Abdullahi Hassan Gorondutse, Haim Hilman Abdullah, Nek Kamal Yeop Yunus

Strategic Components in Small & Medium Enterprises is a book for two target groups. The first group is for students studying business administration; both at undergraduate and postgraduate levels ...

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Struktur Konkrit dan Geoteknik: Perincian Kurikulum, Prestasi dan Pemodelan FEM

by Mohd Zaid Yusof, Mohd Zailan Sulieman, Ahmad Hilmy Abdul Hamid

Buku Struktur Konkrit dan Geoteknik: Perincian Kurikulum, Prestasi dan Pemodelan FEM ini disasarkan untuk pelajar bidang kejuruteraan dan teknologi terutamanya kejuruteraan awam, bangunan dan ba ...

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by Kalaivani K. Nadarajah

Rice felds undergo continuous exposure to biotic and abiotic stresses that marked reduce rice yields due to diseases, insect infestation, and environmental factors. Climate change, land, water, and ...

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