Category : Available Titles

of 31 pages

When Winds Blow Cold

by Anna Tan

Go north, little human. Go north until the winds blow cold and you walk on water. Go north, and there you will find her. With the Dragon's prophecy ringing in his ears, Danis travels from town to t ...

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World Mosaics of Literary Analysis: Accepting Differences and Embracing Diversities

by Editors: Suzana Haji Muhammad, Agnes Liau Wei Lin

This collection renders an invigorating take into engaging ideas that traverse various literary issues. Each chapter opens our minds to the thrilling possibilities of approaching literary texts and pa ...

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Zakat accounting Review for Takaful Operators in Malaysia 2020

by Ben Ahmad

According to the Shariah Governance Framework or SGR, Shariah review is important as much as the SGF itself. Zakat accounting practice is not and was never exceptional from that. From the top to the b ...

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Zakat's Economics and Poverty Alleviation Among Muallaf

by Fuadah Johari, Ahmad Fahme Mohd Ali, Muhammad Ridhwan Ab Aziz

Zakat's Economics and Poverty Alleviation along Muallaf provides fundamental understanding on zakat and economic aspect focusing on the poverty alleviation among Muallaf. This book includes various an ...

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掉牙,怕怕(The Adventure of the Tooth Fairy)

by 陈颖惠医生 (Dr Chin Ying Hui)

小暴龙诞生了! 贪吃的小暴龙不仅喜欢吃甜食,还喜欢喝冷水。 还好,有妈妈和牙仙精灵的守护,小暴龙才会好好照顾牙齿。 有一天,妈妈出远门了 ...

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星座美少女(09) 魔法小屋 · 神秘的蛋糕

by 彩色泡沫工作室

原本安宁的福春街,突然发生了离奇的失踪少女事件,搞得居民人心惶惶。 水帝找到了星座美少女菲菲,与她一起彻查失踪少女的下落。当接近真相时 ...

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星座美少女(09) 魔法小屋 · 神秘的蛋糕

by 彩色泡沫工作室

原本安宁的福春街,突然发生了离奇的失踪少女事件,搞得居民人心惶惶。 水帝找到了星座美少女菲菲,与她一起彻查失踪少女的下落。当接近真相时 ...

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看不见的凶手 (The Invisible Murderer)

by 王修捷 (Wong Siew Jye)

不要以为躲在屏幕前就很安全 当你在浏览网络世界 其实有只姑获鸟正在监视着你! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 因为弟弟被姑获鸟迷惑导致身心受创, 雨军带着沉 ...

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by 高嘉雯

身穿盔甲的姜饼人守卫,大批涌来的食物军团把温蒂和桃乐丝等人团团包围,用口香糖把他们固定住,可怕的火鸡龙正虎视眈眈地看着他们,仿佛随时 ...

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of 31 pages